Our Work
J House @ Austinville - Kota Malang, East Java, Indonesia
J House @ Austinville - Kota Malang, East Java, Indonesia

We're an ARCHITECTURE and INTERIOR design studio based in Indonesia,

dedicated to helping people achieve their DREAMS

Discover our architectural and interior design projects in Indonesia

J House @ Austinville - Kota Malang, East Java, Indonesia
J House @ Austinville - Kota Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Explore our architectural and interior design projects around the world

J House @ Austinville - Kota Malang, East Java, Indonesia
J House @ Austinville - Kota Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Take a look at our residential architecture and interior design projects


Check out our commercial architecture and interior design projects

Archmosphere Studio

Bringing your dreams to life

"Architecture is the embodiment of our aspirations, a reflection of our culture and a testament to human creativity. It is a harmonious blend of art and science, where form meets function. As Le Corbusier once said, 'Architecture is the masterly, correct and magnificent play of masses brought together in light.' It is the ability to capture the essence of a space and create an environment that evokes emotions and inspires. From the grandeur of ancient structures to the sleek lines of modern skyscrapers, architecture has the power to shape our surroundings and leave a lasting impact on society. It is a language of its own, speaking volumes about the people and the era in which it was created. Architecture is not merely buildings, but an expression of our collective identity and a gateway to our imagination."